Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Your Divine Path Is Patiently Waiting For You...


Indeed it is the count-down, and I celebrate my Earth Day. I've learned a lot along the way, with much more to come...

One thing I've learned is that despite any challenge you may face, it is an opportunity to become better, stronger, wiser, and more powerful than ever before. So rejoice in the midst of your challenges!! One can not wait for others to provide you with magnificent life experiences. You must independently strive for them daily, and whatever support you may need along the way shall manifest. Start first, with gaining momentum in propelling your psychological strength, for it will lead you in the direction of your Divine Path.

Advice I would give? Stay away from toxins (which would include toxic people.) Give thanks. Be kind. Be complimentary. Be generous. Give of yourself freely to others without expectation of a return, as you shall receive it back tenfold. (Guaranteed) Take time to be quiet. Listen to others.

And whatever you do..... Do NOT harbor ANY anger, for it will chomp away at your spirit and rob you of your joy and peace.

Truly, I Give Thanks.

~Abeni Bamidele
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