Uniquely & Brilliantly Adorned is an eclectic music-driven blog about richness in beauty, health, psychological strength, and social overstanding. Khepera Adornments, LLC is missioned to provide you with a wealth of beneficial products and services that will surely energize your spirit and maximize your ability to attract all that you desire and deserve. Together, we are brilliant. We are One.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Ethnic Jewelry At Khepera Adornments

Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Don't Underestimate Me: I Know More Than I Say & Notice More Than You Realize
Join me as I speak on the confidence we obtain once we have matured, and how speaking less stems from knowing more.
Watch on Youtube Now!
Ben Carson Should Run And Hide
Carson: 'There were other immigrants who came in the bottom of slave ships, who worked even longer, even harder, for less' (CNN)
Mr. Ben Carson, please sit down and shut up. To so-called correct his stupidity during statements he made to HUD employees, here is a snippet that he had to say on his official Dr. Ben Carson and Candy Carson Facebook page:
"The slave narrative and immigrant narrative are two entirely different experiences. Slaves were ripped from their families and their homes and forced against their will after being sold into slavery by slave traders."
Whatever Uncle Ben...please...just go sit down. Yet if all else fails...at least your wife has got your back.
Definition of SLAVERY:
Definition of SLAVERY:
- the state of being a slave."thousands had been sold into slavery"
synonyms: bondage, enslavement, servitude, thralldom, thrall, serfdom, vassalage "thousands were sold into slavery"- a condition compared to that of a slave in respect of exhausting labor or restricted freedom."female domestic slavery"
- Definition of IMMIGRATION:
im·mi·gra·tionˌiməˈɡrāSH(ə)n/noun- the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.
- *the place at an airport or country's border where government officials check the documents of people entering that country.
For more information on what the good HUD secretary said, click below:
Friday, March 3, 2017
Sankofa Hoop Earrings At Khepera Adornments, LLC
Gold Charm Earrings, Sankofa Hoop Earrings, Heart Earrings, African Earrings, Square Hoop Earrings, Adinkra Symbol Jewelry
Gold Plated Square Hoop Earrings With Brass Sankofa Charms are trendy and can be worn with casual wear. Make these your favorite pair. Hoop of earrings approx. 3.0" length, with Sankofa charms dangling, 4" length. Square hoop earrings have lever-back clip/for pierced ears.
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