Aaaah, red wine. I just adore it, more than any other. While I profess not to be a wine connoisseur, I can certainly very easily strive towards that end... I have my favorites; particularly South African Nederburg Pinotage amongst a variety of additional South African wines. A pinotage is a red wine grape that is South Africa's "signature variety". It is a combination of Pinot noir and Cinsaut.
Aside from the robust flavors and aromas of wine, they have great health benefits that I'm sure many can appreciate. I thought it might be best to distinguish varied types first for those who require a refresher of information, or those who wish to learn more about varied red wines.
* 8 Major Types Of Red Wines*
There are 8 types of red wines popularly consumed in the U.S., although I find myself branching out from the ones I wish to mention. They are as follows:
1. Merlot
2. Cabernet Sauvignon
3. Syrah / Shiraz
4. Malbec
5. Pinot noir
6. Zinfandel
7. Sangiovese
8. Barbera
The health benefits linked to moderate wine consumption are mostly due to the resveratrol content. Resveratrol is a compound found in some plants. Plants produce resveratrol to fight off bacteria and fungi. Resveratrol also protects plants from ultraviolet irradiation. Red wine contains more resveratrol than white wine because it is fermented with the skins (white wine is not). Most of the resveratrol in grapes is in the seeds and skin. The following plants and drinks are rich in resveratrol:
- Red wine
- Grapes
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
- Bilberries
- Peanuts
According to Medical News Today, red wine has been extensively studied over the years with impressive findings suggesting it may promote a longer lifespan, protect against certain cancers, improve mental health, and provide benefits to the heart. Red wine is also known to help you lose weight. It is important to emphasize that one must drink in moderation. Drinking excessively to the point of intoxication will negatively impact the health benefits, so wisely use judgement.
*14 Benefits Of Drinking Red Wine*
1. Lowers cholesterol
2. Controls blood sugar
3. Prevents Dementia
4. Strengthens immune system
5. Stops cancer cells (breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer)
6. Weight Loss
7. Complimentary meal ingredient
8. Slows the aging process
9. Prevents severe sunburn
10. Prevents blinding diseases
11. Improves lung function
12. Raises levels of omega-3 fatty acids
13. Prevents liver disease
14. Prevents type 2 diabetes
**Always Drink With Caution**
While wine consumption may appear to be good for the health, drinking too much can lead to a higher risks of the following illnesses in addition to a host of others not mentioned:
- depression
- mental health problems
- cardiomyopathy
- arrhythmias
- stroke
- hypertension
- fatty liver
- alcoholic hepatitis
- cirrhosis
- several cancers
- pancreatitis